Emocinis balansas, UAB
Emocinis balansas, UAB
Medicinos įstaigos, paslaugos
Pagrindinė įmonės informacija
Įmonės kodas 305553328
Adresas I. Kanto g. 2-3, LT-44296 Kaunas
Įmonės amžius 4 m. 9 mėn. 27 d.
Įmonės kontaktai
Mobilus telefonas
El. paštas
Tinklalapis https://www.mindletic.com/
Įmonės ivertinimas
Įmonės aprašymas

Mindletic is a mental health gym that supports emotional well-being, strengthens emotional intelligence, and improves emotional wellness both on an individual and organisational level. The idea of ​​creating such a platform arose from the need to increase the mental safety of employees, especially after the global situation of the COVID-19 pandemic, which brought a lot of uncertainty and drastic changes that affected almost everyone. 

The proper way to deal with this is to train our minds the same way we train our bodies, thus enabling people and organisations to recover and succeed. The Mindletic app is a science-based way to take care of yourself and your organisation to prevent and predict costly behaviour and increase your team's efficiency and productivity. 

Psychological safety in the workplace is no longer just an option, but the new standard for motivating employees, and attracting and retaining talents.

Finansiniai rodikliai
Metai 2020
Ilgalaikis turtas 692 €
Trumpalaikis turtas 56 279 €
Nuosavas kapitalas 49 332 €
Mokėtinos sumos ir įsipareigojimai 7 639 €
Metai 2020
Pardavimo pajamos 66 947 €
Pelnas (nuostoliai) prieš mokesčius 46 832 €
Pelningumas prieš mokesčius 69.95%
Grynasis pelnas (nuostoliai) 46 832 €
Grynasis pelningumas 69.95%
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